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50/2013 2013 Promotion Requirements: Grades 10 and 11
49/2013 2013 Progression and Promotion Requirements: Grades 1 - 9
48/2013 Clarification of the Grade 12 Programme of Formal Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) for Implementation in January 2014
47/2013 2014 Registration of Examination Centres: Public and Independent Schools and AET Level 4 Centres
46/2013 Management of the May/June 2014 Senior Certificate Examination
45/2013 GETC: AET Level 4 Final Time Table - November 2013
44/2013 National Senior Certificate (NSC): Provincial Grade 12 Centralised School Based Assessment (SBA) Moderation: 23 - 27 October 2013
43/2013 The Structure of Grade 12 Business Studies Question Paper for 2014
bullet Circular S7/2013
42/2013 Updated content on the Domestic Tourism Growth Strategy (DTGS) to be studied as listed in the Tourism Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement
41/2013 Administration of Grade 12 Common Assessment Task for Life Orientation
40/2013 Approval for an Amendment to the Pass Mark of the Trinity College of London Grade 7 External Music to be offered as part of the National Senior Certificate Programme
Info Dramatic Arts, Grade 12, Caps Prescribed Play Texts for 2014
Memo Moderation Programme for the Arts Practical Examinations (Dramatic Arts, Design, Music and Visual Arts)
39/2013 2013 Final Time Tables for Grades 9 & 11
38/2013 Provincial Grade 12 School Based Assessment (SBA) Provincial Moderation - Term 2: 5 - 7 August 2013
37/2013 2013 Grade 12 National Senior Certificate (NSC): Procedures and Guidelines for the conduct of the final Practical Examination in Design and Visual Arts
36/2013 Grade 12 NSC: Exemplification of the Standards of Learner Evidence for Extended Writing
bullet Business Studies
bullet English First Additional Language
bullet Geography
bullet History
35/2013 2013 Final Time Table: Trial Examinations
34/2013 NSC Grade 10 and 11 Exemplars (Memo)
    GRADE 10
bullet Economics
bullet Geography
bullet History
bullet Life Sciences
bullet Mathematics
bullet Mathematical Literacy
bullet Music
bullet Physical Sciences
bullet Accounting
bullet Economics
bullet Geography
bullet History
bullet Life Sciences
bullet Mathematics
bullet Mathematical Literacy
bullet Music (27 Mb)
bullet Physical Sciences
33/2013 AET L4 Application for Appointment as Senior Provincial (SBA) Moderator or (SBA) Moderator for the period September/October 2013 - September/October 2016
32/2013 Appointment of Grade 12 Provincial School-based Assessment (SBA) Moderators 2013 (6Mb)
31/2013 Applications for Examiners and Internal Moderators: (7Mb)
bullet 2014 - 2016 NSC Gr. 12 Trial Examinations (Part of the main document.)
bullet 2014 - 2016 NSC Gr. 11 Examinations (Part of the main document.)
bullet 2014 - 2016 Gr. 9 Examinations (Part of the main document.)
bullet 2013 - 2016 Gr. 6 Tests (Part of the main document.)
bullet 2013 - 2016 Gr. 3 Tests (Part of the main document.)
30/2013 2013 Annual National Assessment (ANA), Grades 1 - 6 & 9: Assessment Guidelines and Timetable  
bullet Timetable  
bullet Assessment Guidelines
bullet Grade 1 English Home Language
bullet Grade 1 Mathematics
bullet Grade 2 English Home Language
bullet Grade 2 Mathematics
bullet Grade 3 English Home Language
bullet Grade 3 Mathematics
bullet Grade 4 English Home Language
bullet Grade 4 English First Additional Language
bullet Grade 4 Mathematics
bullet Grade 5 English Home Language
bullet Grade 5 English First Additional Language
bullet Grade 5 Mathematics
bullet Grade 6 English Home Language
bullet Grade 6 English First Additional Language
bullet Grade 6 Mathematics
bullet Grade 9 English Home Language
bullet Grade 9 English First Additional Language
bullet Grade 9 Mathematics
29/2013 2013 ABET Level 4 October/November Examinations: Registration of Learners
28/2013 2013 Registration of Grade 10 Learners
27/2013 2013 Annual National Assessment (ANA), Grades 1 - 6 & 9: Procedure for the Selection of Markers
26/2013 GETC: ABET L4 Revised Timetable: June 2013
  Extension of Closing Date: Application for Marking
25/2013 2013 Nov/Dec AET L4 Application for Appointment as a Marker
24/2013 Advertisement for Temporary Positions as Examination Assistants (EAs): (Corrected version of the form))
bullet 2013 Nov/Dec National Senior Certificate (NSC) and AET L4 Examination (Part of the main documents.)
bullet 2013 May/June Senior Certificate and AET L4 Examinations (Part of the main documents)
bullet Marks Capturing Centres (Part of the main documents.)
bullet Provincial Scripts Depot (Part of the main documents.)
23/2013 2013 Annual National Assessment (ANA), Grades 1 - 6 & 9: Procedure for the ANA Learner Verification Process in  Ordinary Schools as well as in Schools for Learners with Special Education Needs (LSEN)
22/2013 Applications for Examiners and Internal Moderators: (7Mb)
bullet 2014 - 2016 NSC Gr. 12 Trial Examinations (Part of the main document.)
bullet 2014 - 2016 NSC Gr. 11 Examinations (Part of the main document.)
bullet 2014 - 2016 Gr. 9 Examinations (Part of the main document.)
bullet 2013 - 2016 Gr. 6 Tests (Part of the main document.)
bullet 2013 - 2016 Gr. 3 Tests (Part of the main document.)
21/2013 2013 May/June Senior Certificate Examination (NATED 550): Application for Appointment as a Marker
20/2013 2013 National Senior Certificate (NSC): Application for Appointment as a Marker
19/2013 2013 AET L4: Application for Appointment as a Marking Moderator or Chief Marker
18/2013 GETC: ABET Level 4 Time Table - June 2013
17/2013 Regulations and Amendment Policy pertaining to the National Curriculum Statement: Grades R - 12
16/2013 Extension of the Senior Certificate Examination for Adult Learners
15/2013 Management of the National Senior Certificate Examination from October 2014
14/2013 2013 Registration of Grade 12 NSC Learners
bullet Annexure A: Registration of Full-Time Repeaters
bullet Annexure B: Transferred Learners
bullet Annexure C: Part-Time Candidates
13/2013 National Senior Certificate (NSC) Examination Time Table: October/November 2013
12/2013 2013 Draft Time Tables:
- Grade 9 Provincial Examination: 12 - 22 November 2013
- Grade 11 Final Examination: 21 October 2013 - 21 November 2013
- Grade 12 Trial Examination: 15 August 2013 - 17 September 2013
11/2013 Senior Certificate (NATED 550) May - June Examination Time Table 2013
10/2013 Implementation of School Based Assessment (SBA) Grades 10 - 12 and Management Plan: 2013
9/2013 2012 AET Level 4 Examinations: Chief Markers' Reports (Assessment Instruction) + Reports
8/2013 2012 Grade 12 National Senior Certificate: Chief Markers' Reports (Assessment Instruction) + Reports
7/2013 2013 Grade 12 National Senior Certificate Practical/Performance Assessment Tasks (PATS)




Agricultural Management Practices


Laai af


Agricultural Technology


Laai af


Civil Technology


Laai af


Computer Applications Technology (CAT)


Laai af


Consumer Studies (Food/Voedsel)


Laai af


Consumer Studies (Clothing/Kleding)


Laai af


Dance Studies


Laai af




Laai af


Dramatic Arts


Laai af


Electrical Technology


Laai af


Engineering Graphics and Design


Laai af


Hospitality Studies


Laai af


Information Technology (IT)


Laai af


Mechanical Technology


Laai af




Laai af

bullet Tourism


Laai af


Visual Arts


Laai af

6/2013 2013 AET L4: Assessment and Examinations Guidelines: Completion Dates for SBA Programmes
bullet SBA Programmes (55 Mb)
5/2013 Assessment and Examinations: Concession Applications
4/2013 National Senior Certificate (NSC): Procedure for the Change of Subjects - Grades 10 - 12 in 2013
3/2013 National Senior Certificate Examinations (NSC): Supplementary Examination Entries and Supplementary Examination Final Time Table
2/2013 Re-marking, Re-checking and Viewing of Examination Scripts: 2012 National Senior Certificate (NSC) and ABET L4 Examinations
1/2013 Provincial Assessment Instructions